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Board of Education

Thank you Bristol Tennessee Board of Education for making our students college and career ready!

Meet Our Board of Education

Eric Cuddy, Chair
Derek Linkous, Vice-Chair
Jennifer Henson, Secretary
Jim Butcher
Debbie Darnell

Photo of Bristol Tennessee Board of Education

Front row (L to R): Debbie Darnell and Jennifer Henson.
Back row (L to R): Eric Cuddy, Derek Linkous, and Jim Butcher.

Click here to view agendas, meeting minutes, and other BOE documentation.

Anyone desiring to participate in the public comment portion of the board meeting should sign-in on the registration form that is available prior to the school board meeting. Questions about the public comment process should be addressed to the director of schools office, (423) 652-9201.


The Bristol Tennessee Board of Education is comprised of five members, who are residents of the city and are elected by the citizens during general elections to serve a four-year term. Three BOE members represent specific districts within the city (East, South, and West) and two are elected at-large to represent the entire city.

The Board of Education is responsible for establishing goals and adopting policies for the effective operation of the school system. The board appoints a director of schools to oversee the operation of the school system in accordance with the educational goals and policies it establishes.


The board focuses on three major areas: policy development, advocacy for board policies, and accountability for district goals.

The district's strategic plan is a working document used to guide and reinforce the mission and goals of Bristol Tennessee City Schools. It is continuously reviewed, evaluated, discussed, updated, and endorsed by the Board of Education. The board also reviews the yearly performance of the director of schools. Approval of the budget is a major function of the board. Members support the hiring of teachers, administrators, and support staff who are responsible for educating the students.

As public officials, individuals who serve on the board are active and visible members of the community. However, the board acts officially only as a group. It is committed to openness and candor in every aspect of its business and encourages citizen participation during regular meetings.


Regular meetings of the Board of Education are held on the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) in Room 100 of the Administration Building, 615 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. All meeting notices are available via Bristol Tennessee City Schools website. All meetings are open to the public. Anyone needing special accommodations to attend and/or participate in board session should call (423) 652-9451.

Special meetings are held from time to time for official action on specific topics. No business shall be transacted except that for which the meeting is called.

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